It is now November and the last time we updated the blog was after weeks and weeks of busyness and travel. It’s safe to say that aside from constant travel, things haven’t changed much. And for the most part, we’re not complaining. In fact recently, we had a first for the studio…live music. And that was so fun, we’ll be doing it again. But consistent photoshoots and video shoots followed by editing and managing those aforementioned shoots does create difficulties in keeping up with the normal, everyday tasks of managing and marketing a business. But today, we’re making time and space to share some images from the recent weeks. We sincerely hope that everyone is able to make some space to enjoy the cooler temperatures, the changing leaves, and life in general.
Happy Fall, Y’all.
Hubbard Clothing Company; You’ve probably heard of them. And you may have even shopped there. But what you may not be aware of, is that there is more to Hubbard Clothing Company than just a refined shopping experience. Case in point? The H Club.
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Read MoreIn almost 20 years of shooting full time Commercial Photography with Novo Studio, I have traveled quite a bit. But for the life of me, I cannot remember a time when I’ve traveled so consecutively for work. For the last 8 weeks, I’ve been gone in some capacity. This does not make me a professional traveler, but I feel compelled to share a bit about my experiences and lessons learned regardless. Since I’m not a professional traveler, I’ll keep my stories, my tips and my tricks short and sweet.
But first, Coffee.
It happens every time; I photograph a concert where I am unfamiliar with the music artist and 3 songs in, I’m hooked and I’m saving their songs to my iPhone. The latest instance however, was somewhat of a shock. I knew the Brothers Osborne was going to be a country music concert. The fact that a very large percentage of the concert goers walking in were wearing cowboy hats only solidified the fact. And as music genres go, Country Music admittedly has been the last genre to win me over. In fact, that’s still a work in progress. But these guys? They’re good. Damn good. REALLY damn good. And that has won me over, 3 songs in and counting. (Click to Read More)
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