Posts in Antique Cameras
A few frames of Film | Northwest Arkansas Photography

Last Friday's mail brought with it, a wonderful surprise...scanned negatives of some film I had sent off awhile back. Shooting film is a nice contrast to shooting digital in that it forces you to stop, think through the camera settings, carefully compose your image and then, click the shutter. If you're shooting a Holga however, you pretty much just aim and fire and pray that something turns out. The following images were created using a Holga 120 CFN. Enjoy. 

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2013 // A Year In Images | Northwest Arkansas Photography

If I had to pick one word to sum up the year, I don't know what it would be. I suppose you can't pick just one word to sum up anything. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  And this blog post, with it's "20+" images would mathematically be more words than I would care to list out here. But hopefully, these images in some small way, begin to describe how much fun we've had being creative in 2013 (and quite possibly, late 2012). We're truly thankful for this last year and we're very excited for the next. Onward and Enjoy. 

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KC 2013 | Stay Inspired

A trip to Kansas City is not only a fun getaway, it's also one of the trips we take to stay inspired. In the middle of all the busyness, Kansas City is a quick drive, it's affordable and there's lot's to see and do there. Some of the places we frequent are...

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We <3 | A blog post about some of the things we LOVE.

On Monday, we shared a wedding on the blog. It doesn't get much more lovey dovey than that. So today, we're sharing a few things that in our 7 years as a business, we have grown to love. There's no agenda here. We're not marketing for anyone or anything in particular. These are things that we truly and honestly love and believe in...about our community, our profession, and our daily life in general. Enjoy :)

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