Posts in As of late { in images }
Father's Day, 2014

Father’s day 2014 has turned out to be one that we will long remember. At approximately 12:45am, Kristen’s water broke while she was sleeping. We happened to be staying at a small motel in a remote part of Arkansas when it happened and we managed to cram a 2 hour drive into much less time and make it safely to Mercy Hospital in Ft. Smith.

We checked in immediately and she was started on medications to stop labor or slow it down as long as possible. We have no idea how long that will last and so, we wait. Right now, Kristen is 31 weeks pregnant and the twins are weighing in between 3 and 4 pounds each. Chances are good that they will be healthy and safe if they decide to grace us with their presence in the next couple days. We are however, confined to the hospital in Ft. Smith as a transfer would be risky at this point.

We are in good spirits, very tired, a little (or a lot) freaked out and also, very excited to be on this journey together. And of course, we are deeply moved that so many of you have responded with words of encouragement, love, prayers and support. Thank you and we will keep you updated.


P & K + 2

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As of late { in images }

Thus far, April has been one of the busiest months we've had...and we're only half way thru it.  So far, we've spent the month traveling, working on design projects, planning a video, writing music and gearing up for upcoming commercial photography jobs and weddings. Here's a few "as of late" snapshots. Have a great weekend. 

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As of late { in images }

"The best camera is the one that's with you."

                                  ​- Chase Jarvis

While it's true that we typically have at least one "hefty" camera with us at all times, there is no doubt that we ALWAYS have a phone camera around. And of course, we collect images here and there...little tidbits of things found or things happening at any given point in our day. It might be as simple as a found shadow or as complicated as capturing a person without them noticing. Whatever the case may be, we are in the habit of documenting our lives with our cameras. And we've decided to give some of the resulting images a home here on our blog. Every couple of weeks or so, we'll share a few images that we've collected using only a phone (at the moment, it happens to be an iPhone 4s). We hope that it helps give you insight into what we find fascinating, interesting and worth preserving. At the very least, we hope that you enjoy it. 

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