Let's Play Bikes | Northwest Arkansas Commercial Photography
Playgrounds are closed, events are canceled and your kids are with you 24/7. So the team over at Bike NWA got rolling and created a 3 part guide to help teach kids about riding their bike. Get Ready, Get Set & Go were designed with different ages in mind. Bike NWA dropped off a couple of Strider bikes at my house, gave me a rough draft of the first guide, Get Ready, to base a shot list and the rest is history. The tips and practices are easy to follow and I could see that after completing some of the games that my kids were having fun and feeling more confident on their bikes.
“The first, “Get Ready” helps parents introduce balance biking to little ones. Included in the guide are tips for encouraging little riders with games and activities. ”
Part 1: Get Ready! Helps parents introduce bikes to kids in a fun and easy to follow guide.
The next part, Get Set for 3 - 7 year olds helps kids transition from balance bikes to pedals. It also goes over a little bike maintenance which helps kids get more familiar with their bikes.
Part 3 - Go! Designed for 6 - 10 year olds or really any child that is riding and ready to improve their handling skills and learn a little bike safety