Road Builders - A Personal Project
When I look back on my photography from 2019 one thing stands out for me, I didn’t take to time for personal projects or making images just because I wanted to. So, with an effort to change that in 2020 I made a small project I’ve had on my mind.
This past summer my daughter Isla (3) received a book called Road Builders from the Imagination Library. Over the last 8 months we’ve read it almost every night before she goes to bed. She’s learned about cement mixers, power shovels, graders, bulldozers, front loaders and many other pieces for equipment used in building our roads. On car rides she tells me “Daddy I want to see the road builders” and I’ll slow down as we go past contractions sights. So I bought her a hard hat and vest and we drove to a neighborhood that’s being developed close by. We ask the workers if it was alright if we took a few photos and they were more than happy to let us, one of them even gave her a $5 bill (not sure why). Her favorite piece of equipment is the power shovel but we didn’t have access to one at the time so we had to settle for a bulldozer and a power roller.
If you don’t know about Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library please take a few minutes to learn. It’s an amazing organization that gives an age appropriate book to kids each month not matter what their families income is.
Isla’s Grandpa keeping her calm around the construction equipment.