A Special Thankyou | Northwest Arkansas Photography

We wanted take a moment to sincerely thank our intern Alex for all his hard work and dedication this summer. Alex, who’s last name has such an impossible spelling that we given up trying to include it with his first name, photographed a number of weddings with us during April, May and June. He traveled with us out of state for a few of those weddings and he was with us when all the chaos with #thethomastwins started. He quietly sat in the back of our Subaru while I drove like a maniac in the middle of the night to rush my wife to the hospital and he helped calm an irate police officer down and save me from, what I presume would’ve been a hefty speeding ticket upon our arrival in Ft. Smith. His friendly, yet sarcastic personality was a great addition to our summer schedule as were his incredible images. And his relentless work ethic will undoubtedly carry him far in photography and in life.